Our short film, Childhood, highlights the impact of neglect on children, in this instance, brothers and sisters, who are sometimes left by themselves without an adult to look after them.
It shows the journey of 'Sophie' and 'Charlie' who are in a very difficult home situation where their needs are not being met, through to them being nurtured and supported in foster care and able to attend school and be able to enjoy their hobbies and interests.
Fostering keeps brothers and sisters together
Brothers and sisters (siblings) who are separated in foster care can experience feelings of grief and anxiety. Often, they are concerned about the well-being and worried about where their brothers and sisters are, which can stop them from settling down, developing and progressing.
There are many benefits to keeping brothers and sisters together:
it provides the children with a better sense of belonging and identity
they feel more secure being together and less worried about their brothers / sisters
they often settle into their new family situation more quickly
they can comfort and support each other during a highly emotional and difficult time
What do you need to be able to look after siblings?
Fostering in Bradford urgently needs to recruit more foster carers who can look after brothers and sisters, especially for larger groups of brothers and sisters, so they can live and grow up together.
It can be difficult because as well as the basic minimum requirements for all foster carers, families will need to provide:
a bedroom for each child - unless they are allowed to share
time to commit to caring for each child (as well as any children you might already have)
energy and stability to support each child to feel secure
Now you have watched Childhood, are you interested in fostering siblings but still have lots of questions? We are here to help!
We know that lots of people think about fostering but are often unsure on where to start or how it all works.
That's why we like to chat to people about what fostering is and what it means to be a foster carer. That way you can decide whether you think fostering is right for you.
Fostering is fundamentally about caring for children and doing something positive in your community.
Foster carers are not heroes that wear capes! Foster carers are ordinary people doing something extraordinary, looking after other people's children in times of need.
Would you like to learn more about fostering in Bradford?
We believe fostering can change lives, and help you give back in a way that benefits children around Bradford. If you'd like to learn more about fostering in Bradford, download an information pack today and see how you can make a difference.